استئناف استقبال الابحاث
الباحثون الأعزاء
.نود إعلامكم بأن المجلة الأردنية في العلوم التربوية قد استأنفت استقبال الأبحاث العلمية
Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences (JJES) is an International Peer-Reviewed Research Journal, issued quarterly and published on a regular basis by the Deanship of Research and Graduate Studies, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan. JJES implements the highest standards of publication ethics, needed the fulfill the required ethical behavior of publishing an article in a peer-reviewed journal. JJES editors apply all means to protect the rights of the authors, as well as the reputation of the journal against malpractice. JJES makes sure that all parties involved in the publication process (editors, authors, and reviewers) agree to act, seriously, on preventing any unethical behavior.
- Implementing necessary policies and procedures, ensuring the quality of the published material, and maintaining its integrity.
- Selecting peer-reviewers, who are competent in their fields, and with no conflicts of interest.
- Making the decision of accepting, conditional accepting, or rejecting a manuscript, solely, on its scientific merits.
- Acting in an objective and fair way, while practicing duties, without discrimination on the bases of: Gender, race, geographical origin of authors … etc.
- Making the final decision of accepting or rejecting a manuscript, with no involvement of the publisher.
- Taking extreme care to prevent any disclosure of any bit of information about the submitted manuscript, to other than the corresponding author, reviewers, and the publisher.
- Informing the reviewers not to disclose any information about the manuscript under review.
- Taking extreme care to protect reviewers' identities.
- Excerting the utmost to ensure that authors are not pressured to cite specific publications for nonscientific reasons.
- In case of undisputed changes in authorship, for acceptable reasons, JJES Editorial Board requires that all authors (including those whose names undergone change in terms of sequence and names being removed from an author list) should sign a written form of agreement to these changes.
- Submitting genuine research characterized by originality and scientific methodology.
- Following instructions and publication guidelines.
- Submitting a written consent that the submitted manuscript has not been published and is not submitted simultaneously elsewhere to be considered for publication.
- Holding responsibility for the contents of the submitted manuscript, which must contain sufficient and accurate records of new data or results.
- Providing access to their data, on reasonable request.
- Applying APA (American Psychological Association) guide for scientific research publication. Authors must conform to the guidelines of citation, documentation of all sources and references, and the ethics of scienctificreseach publication.
For citation guidelines, please visit the website:
http://apastyle.apa.org, and the following:
- Submitting a copy of each appendix from the research appendices (if applicable) such as programs, applications, tests…etc, and identifying means of access to obtain a copy of the programs, applications, or tests to interested researchers.
- Contributing to the manuscript. All authors must contribute and be aware of the entire contented of manuscript.
- Reading and signing the copyright (intellectual property) release form (Copyright Form).
- Listing those who have significant contribution to the manuscript as co-authors to the corresponding author.
- Specifying whether the manuscript is extracted from an M.A. thesis or Ph.D dissertation, in the title page with complete documentation on one copy of the manuscript, where the name of affiliation of the authors are typed.
- Declaring and publishing the funding source of the research.
- Contributing to the decision –making process, by evaluating and improving the quality of the manuscript, on the basis of its scientific merits indicating its: Originality, significance, methodology, statistical analysis, accuracy of results, discussion, adequacy and recency of references, writing clarity, and organization of the manuscript.
- Maintaining the confidentiality of the manuscript. Authors should not know the identities of reviewers, and reviewers should not know the identities of authors.
- Notifying the Editor –in– Chief, in case of inability to review the manuscript during the time limit, and excusing themselves.
- Filling out the Research Evaluation Form (a rating scale, followed by a detailed report to justify ratings).
- Reviewing manuscript, objectively, in a timely manner.
- Alerting the Editor–in –Chief about issues relating to research and publication ethics (i.e., adherence to scientific ethics, and suspicions of fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or redundancy).
- Declaring any conflict of interest, if existed, as soon as possible, and withdrawing their services for that manuscript.
- When a manuscript submitted for publication is received, authors will be conveyed an acknowledgment of receipt.
- Manuscript will be subject to a preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Board.
- Editorial Board may reject a manuscript without the need for peer-reviewing, if it is of poor quality, and does not follow instructions and publication guidelines, , or if it does not fit under the fields of educational sciences.
- The preliminary decision of rejecting a manuscript is based only on scientific merits, and is not influenced by prior knowledge about the authors, or their institutions.
- If the manuscript is found suitable for possible publication, the Editorial Board selects, at least, two peer-reviewers with sufficient expertise in field of study, and with no possible conflicts of interest, to whom the manuscript is to be sent for reviewing.
- Reviewers will be asked to evaluate the quality of the manuscript on the Research Evaluation Form (rating scale and a detailed written report to justify ratings, and a comment on any ethical issues or misconduct).
- Reviewers are requested to make clear recommendation to: Acceptance, Conditional Acceptance (minor/ major changes), or Rejection of the manuscript.
- Based on the reviewers' report and recommendations, the Editorial Board takes the decision for publication or rejection.
- If publication is conditional, reports of the reviewers should be sent to the authors to respond to the required changes, in a timely manner.
- JJES reserves its right to ask authors to omit, reformulate, or rephrase the manuscript or any part thereof to conform to its publication policy
- JJES has the right to make technical changes to meet the style of the journal.
- Editor – in – Chief informs the authors of acceptance or rejection of their manuscripts.
- Authors must confirm that their submitted manuscript is their own work, and is not copied in part or in whole from any other works.
- Authors must conform to the guidelines of citation, documentation of all sources and references, and ethics of scientific research publication.
- JJES reserves the right to reject a manuscript and denounce its authors if plagiarism is verified.
- JJES holds no responsibility for plagiarism.
- Reviewers are requested to report any misconduct or unethical issues.
- Editor – in – Chief screens submitted manuscripts (in English) for plagiarism, or redundancy, by using antiplagiarism software.
- Confirmed misconduct will lead to the rejection of the manuscript, as well as future works of the authors.
- If reviewers, readers, ….etc. raise issues about the validity of the scientific work, the Editor –in– Chief contacts the authors and asks them to respond to the concerned issues. If the response is unsatisfactory, the Editor –in– Chief contacts the authors' director of institute.
- If a published article is found to be a redundant publication, a note of retraction will be published , and copies of correspondence will be sent to the authors' director of institute. Retracted papers should be retained online.
Author(s) should submit a written consent that the submitted manuscript has not been previously published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. A statement transferring copyright from the authors to Yarmouk University is required before the manuscript can be accepted for publication. The necessary form for such transfer (Copyright Form) is supplied by the Editor-in-Chief. Reproduction of any part of the contents of a published manuscript is forbidden, without a written permission by the Editor-in-Chief.
- The corresponding author will receive the first proofs for making necessary corrections.
- The corresponding author is asked to return the revised manuscript to JJES in a week time.
- No major changes in the first proofs of the manuscript, are accepted.
- The corresponding author will be sent a copy of the issue in which the published manuscript appears, in addition to (10) offprints, free of charge.
- For orders of more reprints, a reprint order form and prices will be sent with the article.
There are no page charges to authors or institutions for publication contributions, at JJES.
Opinions expressed in JJES are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editorial Board, Yarmouk University , nor the policy of the Scientific Research Support Fund, at the Ministry of Higher Education, Amman, Jordan
الباحثون الأعزاء
.نود إعلامكم بأن المجلة الأردنية في العلوم التربوية قد استأنفت استقبال الأبحاث العلمية
Dear Esteem Researchers
The Jordan Journal of Educational al Sciences announces the resumption of accepting research paper submissions.