استئناف استقبال الابحاث
الباحثون الأعزاء
.نود إعلامكم بأن المجلة الأردنية في العلوم التربوية قد استأنفت استقبال الأبحاث العلمية
- Manuscripts must include an abstract in Arabic and in English, each containing one paragraph not exceeding (150-200) words, followed by keywords in brackets, to help researchers access manuscripts in related databases.
- Manuscript including figures, tables, drawings, and appendices, should not exceed (8000) words, paper size (A4).
- Figures and tables should be placed in their appropriate places within the text with their captions.
- Manuscript must conform to the following sequence:
o Introduction: Should include both the theoretical framework and a review of related literature.
o Statement of the problem; questions or hypotheses.
o Significance of the study.
o Study limitations, if applicable.
o Definitions of concepts ltems.
o Methodology (including study population, samples, instruments, procedures, etc, ….)
o Results.
o Discussion
o Conclusions and recommendations.
o References.
- Authors must conform to the guidelines of citation, documentation of all resources, and references as in APA guide for scientific research publication (http://apastyle.apa.org).
الباحثون الأعزاء
.نود إعلامكم بأن المجلة الأردنية في العلوم التربوية قد استأنفت استقبال الأبحاث العلمية
Dear Esteem Researchers
The Jordan Journal of Educational al Sciences announces the resumption of accepting research paper submissions.