Manuscript Organization

-    Manuscripts must include an abstract in Arabic and in English, each containing one paragraph not exceeding (150-200) words, followed by keywords in brackets, to help researchers access manuscripts in related databases.

-    Manuscript including figures, tables, drawings, and appendices, should not exceed (8000) words, paper size (A4).

-   Figures and tables should be placed in their appropriate places within the text with their captions.

-    Manuscript must conform to the following sequence:

o   Introduction: Should include both the theoretical framework and a review of related literature.

o   Statement of the problem; questions or hypotheses.

o   Significance of the study.

o   Study limitations, if applicable.

o   Definitions of concepts ltems.

o Methodology (including study population, samples, instruments, procedures, etc, ….)

o   Results.

o   Discussion

o   Conclusions and recommendations.

o   References.

-     Authors must conform to the guidelines of citation, documentation of all resources, and references as in APA guide for scientific research publication (