Meta-analysis of Studies Comparing the Likelihood Ratio and the Mantel-Haenszel Methods to Detect Differential Item Functioning
Abstract: This study aimed at reviewing the studies that compared the Likelihood Ratio (LR) and Mantel-Haenszel (MH) methods for detecting differential item functioning (DIF), which were approved in the period from 1980 to 2021. (30) studies fulfilled the conditions and criteria to be in the study sample. The information and data from those studies were collected and analyzed by using a special program (Comprehensive Meta-Analysis: CMA) for meta-analysis. The results indicated the superiority of the LR method in controlling the type I error rate, with a mean effect size of (0.044) according to the fixed effect model, and (0.03) according to the random effect model. The LR method was superior in the power of the statistical test, with a mean effect size of( -0.068) according to the fixed effect model and
(-0.111) according to the random effect model. With regard to the percentage of DIF items, the MH method was superior, with a mean effect size of (0.116) according to the fixed effect model, and (0.013) according to the random effect model.
(Keywords: Meta-analysis, Likelihood Ratio Method, Mantel-Haenszel Method, Differential Item Functioning)