The Influence of Online Professional Learning Communities on Science Teachers' Understanding of Nature of Science and itsTeaching Practices


  • Zinab Alzayed
  • Sozan Omar


Nature of Science; Nature of Science Teaching Practices; Science teacher; Online Professional Learning Communities


This study investigated online professional learning communities' program on improving science teachers' understanding of Nature of Science and teaching practices;and determined the factors that influenced the effectiveness of the program. A qualitative approach with case study designwas used; data was collected from multiple sources:the Myths of Science Questionnaire, semi- structured interviews, and self-reflection reports. The research sample included sixfemaleteachers from middle schools in Riyadh. Results showed an improvement in teachers' understanding of NOS aspectsrelated to scientific knowledge, scientific methods of inquiry, and scientific enterprise; and improved their understanding of its teaching practices. The results showed that most developed aspects of NOSwere: relationship between scientific theories and laws, scientific knowledge is tentative, the lack of a scientific method with specific steps, and influence of subjectivity(theory-laden). Several factors influenced the effectiveness of the professional learning communityprogram, theyincluded:discussion, reflection, and teaching experiments




How to Cite

Alzayed , Z., & Sozan Omar, S. (2016). The Influence of Online Professional Learning Communities on Science Teachers’ Understanding of Nature of Science and itsTeaching Practices. Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences, 12(3), 349–362. Retrieved from


