Administrative Styles According to Rensis Likert Theory (System1- System4) of Public Secondary School Principals in Jordan and Their Relationship with Organizational Loyalty of Teachers


  • Rateb Al-Soud


Educational Administration, Administrative Styles, Rensis Likert, Organizational Loyalty


The purpose of this study was to identify the administrative
styles of public secondary school principals in Jordan according to
Rensis Likert theory (System1- System4), and to show their
relationship to teachers' organizational loyalty. The sample of the
study consisted of 256 male and female teachers, working at 65
schools. Results of the study indicated that public secondary school
principals practice administrative styles in different degrees. The
degree was high for: consultative democratic and participative
democratic styles, medium for benevolent authoritative style, and low
for the authoritative exploitative style. Moreover, the results showed
that teachers' loyalty was medium. Furthermore, the results indicated
that there was a positive correlation coefficient at (α≤ 0.05) between
the principals' practice of the S2, S3 & S4 administrative styles and
teachers' organizational loyalty, whereas there was a negative
correlation coefficient at (α≤ 0.05) between the principals' practice of
the S1 administrative style and teachers' organizational loyalty.




How to Cite

Al-Soud, R. (2009). Administrative Styles According to Rensis Likert Theory (System1- System4) of Public Secondary School Principals in Jordan and Their Relationship with Organizational Loyalty of Teachers. Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences, 5(3), 249–262. Retrieved from


