Degree of Professional Commitment of Principals and Teachers of Palestinian Government Secondary Schools from a Teachers' and Principals' Viewpoint


  • Mohmmad Abdeen


professional commitment, secondary schools, government schools, school administration, West Bank


This study examined how teachers in Palestinian
government secondary schools view principals' professional
commitment and how principals view teachers' professional
commitment.It aimed to identify any differences in their views with
regard to gender, years of experience, qualification level.A stratified
random sample of 270 principals and 564 teachers from government
secondary schools at Palestinian West Bank governorates was
selected; a validated and reliable questionnaire was distributed to this
sample.Results showed that the degree of professional commitment of
principals as perceived by teachers was "high", while the degree of
teachers' professional commitment as perceived by principals was
"medium".Significant differences between principals' and teachers'
views of each other's professional commitment were found.Meanwhile,
no significant differences were found in teachers' views of principals'
professional commitment due to gender, years of experience, and
qualification level, nor in teachers' views of principals' commitment
due to qualification level and years of experience, whereas significant
differences were found in the latter's views due gender in favor of
female teachers.




How to Cite

Abdeen, M. (2010). Degree of Professional Commitment of Principals and Teachers of Palestinian Government Secondary Schools from a Teachers’ and Principals’ Viewpoint. Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences, 6(3), 203–217. Retrieved from


