Constructing a Tool to Evaluate Distance Teaching Practices of Teachers in Jordan According to the Graded Response Model

بناء أداة لتقييم ممارسات التدريس عن بعد لدى المعلمين في الأُردن وفق نموذج الاستجابة المتدرجة


  • Aamer Mahmoud Al-Suboh Ministry of Education
  • Haidar Ebraheem Zaza Jordan University


Abstract: This study aimed to construct a tool to evaluate distance teaching practices among teachers in Jordan according to the Graded Response model. The study was conducted based on a tool that was built in its initial form and consisted of 4 main criteria: 21 competencies and 60 items with four alternatives representing graded distance teaching practices in the level of proficiency and effectiveness. The tool was applied to a sample of 603 teachers who teach stages from the basic fourth grade to high school from different aspects.  The results showed that 54 items and 462 individuals conformed to the assumptions of the Graded Response model. The tool in its final form had 54 items with appropriate psychometric characteristics. The Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient for the standards ranged between 0.60 and 0.81 and for the instrument as a whole, it was 0.90. The values of the marginal reliability of the parameters ranged between 0.63 and 0.82 and the instrument as a whole was 0.91. The results also showed that the tool had multiple indications of validity in which the results showed that the tool provides the maximum value of information to individuals with average ability. The maximum information value of the tool was 8.67 at the ability level (θ=-0.6), and the average thresholds for items were also reached  (0.64, -0.71, -2.01) Logit, respectively, in addition, the average discrimination was 0.84.

(Keywords: Assessment, Teaching Practices, Distance Learning, Graded Response Model)




How to Cite

Al-Suboh, A. M., & Zaza, H. E. (2025). Constructing a Tool to Evaluate Distance Teaching Practices of Teachers in Jordan According to the Graded Response Model: بناء أداة لتقييم ممارسات التدريس عن بعد لدى المعلمين في الأُردن وفق نموذج الاستجابة المتدرجة. Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences, 20(3), 488–467. Retrieved from


