The Degree of commitment to ethics of teaching by Arabic language Teachers from the Principals' Point of View In Mafraq Directorate of Education


  • Adeeb Hamadnah


The ethics of the teaching profession, School principals, Arabic language teachers


This study has aimed at investigating the teachers' commitment to the ethics of teaching the principals point of view and it has investigated the effects of sex, qualification, and experience variables on the teachers' commitments to the ethics. The descriptive method was used in this study and the sample, which consists of 142 male and female principals, is stratified random sample.taken from teachers whowork in Mafraq Directorate of Education were used for analyzing data.

The study was concluded with these recommendations:

  1. The field of teachers' relationship with colleagues came first with an arithmetic mean of 4.59, and the teacher's relation with principals came second at an arithmetic mean of 4.08 while the teachers' relation with society came third at an arithmetic mean of 3.88 and the teachers' relation with his job came last at an arithmetic mean of 4;

There are no differences of significance at (α=50.0) in the principals' estimation of the teachers' commitment to the ethics of teaching refer to the variables of sex, experience, and the interactions of these variables among the principals on total standard and the substandard




How to Cite

Hamadnah, A. (2013). The Degree of commitment to ethics of teaching by Arabic language Teachers from the Principals’ Point of View In Mafraq Directorate of Education. Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences, 9(1), 29–50. Retrieved from


