An Analytical Study of the Lower Grades Art ‎Education Curriculum Textbooks in Light of the ‎Field of Learning Standards


  • Mohammad Al-Dosari ‎
  • Abdulmohsen bin Hoaimel



Content Analysis, Textbooks of Art Education, Elementary ‎Lower Grades, Standards of Art Education


This study aimed to analyze the content of art education books for primary grades in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in light of the availability of art producing and art responding standards, both leading and supportive, as wellas the components of the idea of ​​producing art and responding to art. A tool has been prepared to analyze the textbooks in light of the objectives of the study and its validity and reliability were confirmed. The results showed that the standards of the idea of ​​ producing art were available with a high percentage (93.31%), while the standards of the idea of ​​responding to art were available at a rate of (6.69%). The results also showed that the leading standards were available in a very weak degree, with an average frequency of (4 frequencies) and an average percentage rate of (40%). The leading and supportive standards combined were available in the art education textbooks with a very weak degree, as the results showed that the average number of occurrences reached (8 frequencies) with an average percentage of (51%). As for the components of producing art, the lessons of the two-dimensional art products were available with a total percentage rate of (61.12%) and the lessons of the three-dimensional art products came second with apercentage of (32.88%), whereas art lessons in the component of digital arts were not available. The study recommended reviewing the current books and adapting them to standards




How to Cite

Al-Dosari ‎, M., & Hoaimel, A. (2022). An Analytical Study of the Lower Grades Art ‎Education Curriculum Textbooks in Light of the ‎Field of Learning Standards. Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences, 18(2), 259–286.


