The Role of School Principals at the Sultanate of ‎Oman in the Reinforcement of Intellectual Tolerance ‎Values among Students


  • Rabeea Al-Thahli
  • Lakhdar Zhoot‎



Role, School Principals, Promotion, Values, Intellectual ‎Tolerance


This study aimed to explore the role of school principals in the Sultanate of Oman in promoting the values of intellectual tolerance among students and to know the effect of each of the variables: (gender, grade level and governorate). The researchers used the analytical descriptive approach. The population of the study consisted of all students in the two grades (tenth and eleventh) in public schools that include these two grades together in the governorates of (Muscat, North Al-Batinah and South Al-Batinah). They were (9521) students. The study sample consisted of (2000) students from among the school students, who were chosen by the random stratified method. The results of the study were based on a questionnaire consisting of three fields. The results of the study concluded that the role of school principals in the Sultanate of Oman in promoting the values of intellectual tolerance among students (as a whole) and their fields from the students ’point of view came at an average level. There were statistically significant differences (0.05 ≥α) due to the effect of gender, favoring females. There were no statistically significant differences due to the effect of the grade level. There were statistically significant differences due to the effect of the educational governorate, favoring North Al Batinah governorate. Among the most prominent recommendations is to call on the concerned authorities in the Ministry of Education to instruct school principals to give students sufficient space to express their views on the intellectual issues raised on the scene without suppression or closure




How to Cite

Al-Thahli, R., & Zhoot‎, L. (2020). The Role of School Principals at the Sultanate of ‎Oman in the Reinforcement of Intellectual Tolerance ‎Values among Students. Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences, 18(1), 121–138.


