Developing Arabic Multi-Dimensional Scale for Detecting Autism


  • Ibrahim Al- quryouti
  • Imad Ababneh


autism, autism scale, scales development


The aim of the study was to develop an Arabic multidimensional
scale to detect autism.. After auditing the items pool (68)
which are the preliminary version of the scale, the researchers
administered the scale to a sample of (391) children from different
Arab countries. The software (SPSS) was used to analyze the collected
data, and the findings were as follows: 1. The scale showed that the
factorial and discriminate validity were significant. The dimensions
which extracted accounted (59.11%) of the total variance; moreover,
the discriminate analysis showed that the scale has the power to
classify more than (77.2%) of the cases correctly. 2. The Reliability
coefficient calculated by Cronbach Alpha was (0.89), whereas
reliability coefficients for the dimensions of the scale ranged between
(0.42 and 0.89). 3. The t-test showed that the differences between
performance means of autistics and Normal children were statistically
significant. The researchers recommended further studies to ensure
stability, and utilizing the scale for detecting autism cases




How to Cite

Al- quryouti, I., & Ababneh, I. (2006). Developing Arabic Multi-Dimensional Scale for Detecting Autism. Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences, 2(2), 73–85. Retrieved from


