The Extent to Which the "English-Class Teacher" Students at the Tafila University Assess their Awareness of Reading Strategies
Reading, Reading strategies, Reading comprehension, Reading awareness, Reading strategy awareness, Awareness of reading strategies, Awareness of reading comprehension strategiesAbstract
The purpose of this study was to measure the extent to which
the “English-Class Teacher” students at the Tafila Technical
University assess their awareness of reading strategies. It also aimed
to identify the relation between the degrees of “strategy importance”
and “strategy use” from the students’ perspectives. The participants
were 196 students who had finished the "Reading Skills" course in
their study plan. A 39-item questionnaire was developed for
measuring the student's awareness. Reading strategy awareness
included strategy importance and strategy use for this purpose.
The results of this study revealed that the participants rated their
reading strategy awareness as high; the students reported "high"
degrees of “strategy importance” and “strategy use”. The results
also revealed a significant positive correlation between "strategy
importance" and "strategy use" from the student's