Understanding the Dynamics of Internship Experience: The Case of the Hashemite University Preservice Primary Science Teachers


  • Ahmad Qablan


Internship, Intern Students, Activity Theory, Inquiry Based Teaching, Hashemite University


This study attempted to understand the dynamics of
internship experience at the Hashemite University in Jordan.
A qualitative research approach was used to answer the
research questions. Data collected in this study were derived
from participants’ interviews, classroom observations, and
teaching artifacts. Among twelve preservice science teachers,
three were chosen to collect the needed data. Results of the
study provided evidence that the internship period is a
stressful experience for intern students. Lack of help and
support from school principals and cooperative teachers were
among the major difficulties that faced participants. The study
suggests that internship experience is a critical stage for new
teachers and should be made easy to them with the help and
support of all members involved in the internship program.
This research also provides strategies to help intern science
students employ inquiry-based teaching strategies in their




How to Cite

Qablan, A. (2006). Understanding the Dynamics of Internship Experience: The Case of the Hashemite University Preservice Primary Science Teachers. Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences, 2(4), 271–280. Retrieved from https://jjes.yu.edu.jo/index.php/jjes/article/view/858


