The Effect of Discovery Learning Through Computer Assisted Instruction in Developing Science Processes of Third Grade Students in Jordan


  • Hamed Al-Abbadi
  • Fathieh Al-Sheboul


Computer Assisted - Instruction, Science Processes, Discovery Learning


The study aimed at investigating the effect of discovery
learning through computer-assisted instruction (CAI) compared with
the discovery and traditional methods of learning in developing
science processes of observation, categorization, and prediction of
third grade Jordanian students. A sample of 90 Jordanian students
was purposefully chosen and distributed into three groups. A unit
from the third grade science textbook was used to teach the three
groups according to the discovery method through CAI, discovery
learning, and the traditional method. The results of the study revealed
that students taught according to the discovery method through CAI
exceeded their counterparts in the other two groups regarding the
achievement of the three science processes, and that the achievement
of students who were taught by the discovery learning method
exceeded that of those taught by the traditional method in the three
science processes. Based on these findings, appropriate
recommendations were presented.



How to Cite

Al-Abbadi, H., & Al-Sheboul, F. (2007). The Effect of Discovery Learning Through Computer Assisted Instruction in Developing Science Processes of Third Grade Students in Jordan. Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(3), 301–315. Retrieved from


