Developing an Online-Testing Attitude Scale for University Students


  • Sayyah Al-Ahmad


Online testing, Attitude, University students, Assessment, Language skills courses


Although researchers have developed a number of tools
which measure students' attitudes toward using computers in
general, a few of them, especially in the West, have developed scales
to assess university students' attitudes toward online testing.
However, no attempts have been made to develop such scales in the
Arab world. Therefore, the goal of this study was to develop a valid
and reliable online testing attitude scale for university Arab students.
In order to create the items of the scale, the researcher collected his
data from the following sources: Reviewing previous literature about
students' attitudes toward computer, eliciting information from
students about their beliefs, attitudes, and feelings toward using
computers in testing, and adapting and creating new items. The
original scale consisted of 34 items a long affective, cognitive and
behavioral domains. After subjecting the scale to a confirmatory
factor analysis, three items were deleted because they met the
criterion of item deletion (below 0.25). The final scale was made up
of 31 items, and it was administered to 638 male and female
undergraduate students at Yarmouk University/Jordan. The results of
this study supported the validity and reliability of this instrument.
The scale had high degree of validity which was demonstrated by
content validity, construct validity, internal validity and
discriminating power. Alpha coefficients of 0.87, 085, and 0.79 were
good indicators of the reliability of the three dimensions. A
coefficient of 0.78 showed a test-retest reliability




How to Cite

Al-Ahmad, S. (2008). Developing an Online-Testing Attitude Scale for University Students. Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences, 4(3), 235–247. Retrieved from


