A Causal Model of the Relationship Between Mindset (Growth, Fixed), Proactive Personality and Teaching Self-Efficacy and Work Engagement among Teachers
Abstract: The current study aims to reveal a causal model for the relationship between growth mindsets (fixed or developing) and proactive personality, teaching self-efficacy, and work integration. The sample comprised 750 male and female teachers from the Koura District in Irbid, with 300 males and 450 females. The study used the mentalities scale developed by Park (Park, 2021) upon adapting it to the Arab environment. The study, also, used the proactive personality scale (Trifiletti et al., 2009) after being translated and adapted to the Jordanian environment. Further, the study used the teaching self-efficacy scale developed by Baqi (2016) after being translated and adapted to the Jordanian environment. Additionally, the work integration scale (Schaufeli et al., 2006) was translated and adapted to the Jordanian environment. Additionally, the work integration scale (Schaufeli et al., 2006) was translated and adapted to the Jordanian environment. The results indicated that the developing mentality has a direct, positive impact on "effectiveness in classroom management" and "effectiveness in educational and learning strategies". It also showed that the fixed mentality has a direct, negative effect in the fields of "Efficacy in Teaching and Learning Strategies" and "Efficacy in Managing the Classroom Situation" There is also a direct positive effect of the proactive personality in the four areas of teaching self-efficacy individually. There is also a positive correlation with effectiveness in waqf management. Classroom and effectiveness in educational and learning strategies through work integration.
(Keywords: Causal Model, Growth Mindsets, Proactive Personality, Self-Efficacy, Work Engagement)