Students’ Evaluation of Faculty Members: Pros and Cons Based on Literature Review and Yarmouk University Experience (A case study)


  • Ahmad Audeh


Students’ evaluation, Faculty members, evaluation questionnaire, case study, grade inflation


This study aimed at investigating the possible positive and
negative or side effects of university students’ participation in
evaluating faculty members derived from the results of related
literature . It revealed that this kind of evaluation is a controversial
issue ; the variability of perception and attitude toward this
participation between and within faculty members , on the one hand,
and decision makers on the other, are practically significant due to
many significant issues embedded in the complex evaluation process
starting by constructing the evaluation questionnaire, passing through
the environment of administering it, data collection, analysis, and
interpretation of evaluation results in light of the huge numbers of
factors or variables which affect the evaluation validity. This reflects
the need for holistic and atomistic analysis through quantitative and
qualitative approaches for this kind of evaluation. The case study in
the frame of Yarmouk University practices is a suggested model and
typical addition to the related literature. The conclusions and the
suggested recommendations which were derived from the literature
and the case study are expected to contribute significantly to maximize
positive effects and minimize side effects of this participation on
decision making , instructional activities , and grading procedures




How to Cite

Audeh, A. (2006). Students’ Evaluation of Faculty Members: Pros and Cons Based on Literature Review and Yarmouk University Experience (A case study). Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences, 2(4), 231–256. Retrieved from


