Vocational Skills Required for Pre-Service Teachers at the Hashemite University that are Employable in the 21st Century from their Perspectives


  • Samer Khasawneh


vocational skills, employability, workforce development, and Jordan


The main purpose of this study was to determine the
vocational skills required for pre-service teachers at the
Hashemite University that are employable in the 21st century
based on their perceptions. The study surveyed 140 senior
students who participated in the field-training program
offered by the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. The
instrument used in this study was adapted from Robinson
(2006) encompassing 67 employability skills categorized
under 11 dimensions. Results indicated that respondents
perceived themselves to have a major level of competence at
performing the employability skills. The three most rated
dimensions were communication skills, conflict management
skills, and lifelong learning skills. The study ended by offering
a number of implications and suggestions from the practical
and theoretical standpoint.




How to Cite

Khasawneh, S. (2010). Vocational Skills Required for Pre-Service Teachers at the Hashemite University that are Employable in the 21st Century from their Perspectives. Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences, 6(3), 237–244. Retrieved from https://jjes.yu.edu.jo/index.php/jjes/article/view/954


