Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms, Intrinsic and ‎Extrinsic Motivation among Adaptive Perfectionists’ ‎Maladaptive Perfectionists and Non-perfectionists


  • Emran Al-Shorman
  • Abdul-Kareem Jaradat




Multi-dimensional Perfectionism, Perfectionist Groups, ‎Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms, Intrinsic and Extrinsic ‎Motivation


The present study explored the prevalence rates of multi-dimensional perfectionism among high-school students and whether there are differences in the obsessive-compulsive symptoms, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation among the perfectionist groups. The study sample consisted of 512 high-school students in Northern Almazar area, Jordan. Data was collected online, using four scales measuring multi-dimensional perfectionism, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Chi-square test, one-way ANOVA and one-way MANOVA were used. Results showed that the rate of non-perfectionists among the literary-stream students was higher; the rates of adaptive perfectionists among the scientific-stream students and among the eleventh-grade students were higher and the rate of maladaptive perfectionists among the twelfth-grade students was higher. Additionally, it was shown that the mean scores of maladaptive perfectionists were significantly higher than those of non-perfectionists on the cleaning sub-scale, the mean scores of maladaptive perfectionists and non-perfectionists were significantly higher than those of adaptive perfectionists on the slowness sub-scale, the mean scores of maladaptive perfectionists were significantly higher than those of non-perfectionists on the obsessive-compulsive symptoms scale, the mean scores of adaptive perfectionists were significantly higher than those of both maladaptive perfectionists and non-perfectionists on the intrinsic-motivation scale, the mean scores of maladaptive perfectionists were significantly higher than those of non-perfectionists on the intrinsic motivation-scale and the mean scores of maladaptive perfectionists and non-perfectionists were significantly higher than those of adaptive perfectionists on the extrinsic-motivation scale




How to Cite

Al-Shorman, E., & Jaradat, A.-K. (2022). Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms, Intrinsic and ‎Extrinsic Motivation among Adaptive Perfectionists’ ‎Maladaptive Perfectionists and Non-perfectionists. Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences, 18(4), 629–645. https://doi.org/10.47015/18.4.3




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