Test-anxiety Coping Strategies as Predictors of ‎Optimism‏ ‏and Intrinsic Motivation‎


  • Maram Bani-Salameh
  • Abdul-Kareem Jaradat




Test-anxiety Coping Strategies, Optimism, Intrinsic Motivation


This study aimed to explore test-anxiety coping strategies (TACS) predicting optimism and intrinsic motivation among Jadara University Students. The study sample consisted of 425 undergraduate students. Data was collected online, using three scales measuring TACS, optimism and intrinsic motivation. Three-way analysis of variance and multiple stepwise regression were used. Results showed that males used situation-control strategies significantly more than females; students from the faculties of humanities and social sciences used strategies of anxiety control, anxiety repression and situation control significantly more that students from the faculties of natural sciences; first-year students used danger-control strategies significantly more that third-and fourth-year students; third and fourth-year students used situation-control strategies significantly more than first year students, and third-year students used these same strategies significantly more than second-year students. It was found that TACS predicting optimism were: anxiety-control, anxiety-repression, situation-control and danger-control strategies, respectively; and TACS predicting intrinsic motivation were: anxiety- control, danger-control and situation-control strategies, respectively.‎

JJES,18(3), 2022, 585-596



How to Cite

Bani-Salameh, M., & Jaradat, A.-K. (2022). Test-anxiety Coping Strategies as Predictors of ‎Optimism‏ ‏and Intrinsic Motivation‎. Jordan Journal of Educational Sciences, 18(3), 585–596. https://doi.org/10.47015/18.3.12




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